Viral Load and Keeping Your Distance.
Does ‘Keeping our Distance’ have any effect on catching Covid 19? On Dec. 31, 2020 the AOA Morning Journal stated, “Viral Load Of Patients With COVID-19 May Be Key Indicator Of Illness Severity, Research Suggests. The New York Times (12/29) reports that “dozens of research papers published over the past few months found that people whose bodies were teeming with the coronavirus more often became seriously ill and more likely to die, compared with those who carried much less virus and were more likely to emerge relatively unscathed.” If we extrapolate this information we could logically predict that ‘Distance’ is a strong factor in keeping the viral load that one might receive to a minimum, thus allowing a peak performing immune system the ability to ward off an infection leading to Covid 19. Distance is an import factor in controlling this Corona virus. Vegan Doc Dec. 31, 2020