Closer to Nature, Closer to Natural.
It’s not natural for us to be dying of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Something must be wrong! Not only are we dying, we are getting sick for a really long time before we die. This is new, it’s different and it’s not natural for us to get these and many other disease processes. Let’s take a look at Diabetes for our first example.
Diabetes was first recorded in 450 B.C. and later was named Diabetes mellitus (mellitus meant sweet) because the taste of urine was sweet. Who made that discovery? Well, around 1936 they discovered two types of diabetes; 1. Genetic and 2. Adult Onset.
Type I Diabetes: This condition is when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin; insulin is the hormone that allows the sugar from our carbohydrates to be introduced into the cells for energy. This excess sugar in the blood stream is toxic to our system making Type 1 Diabetes is a genetic disorder a difficult disorder to deal with. The genetic type Is associated with many physical challenges and may cause early deaths; it was commonly called ‘the pissing evil’ though today it is typically called Type 1 Diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes: Here we have a condition that is regulated by one’s lifestyle; especially related to improper eating and a lack of movement (exercise). Of course stress, impaired sleep and social connection can be impacting to this disease as well. Type 1 is due to genetics while Type 2 is due to Lifestyle. The American food supply is overloaded with saturated fats, sugars and salt which is directly related to not only Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) but to many more disease processes such as Heart Disease, many forms of Cancer, Auto-immune Disorders, Arthritis and others. The Food Industry in the United States is promoting disease and death with this Standard American Diet, not only in the United States but in countries around our globe. We are eating our way into extinction.
Type II
he second type which was called Adult Onset Diabetes. Insulin was discovered by Banting and Best in 1921 and a major treatment for Type I Diabetes Mellitus was fteound. In 1970 it was hard to find a person under the age of 40 with this Adult Onset Diabetes but that all changed…and within 50 years. Even the Medical Profession had to change the name of the disease from Adult Onset Diabetes to Type 2 Diabetes because so many children were now getting this Adult Onset Diabetes. The rate of increase and the number of our children who have this disease is overwhelming; it’s not natural. Now we know what causes this disease and we know how it can be reversed.
Heart Disease; this is an area of medicine that has really improved the lives of so many. Dr. William Harvey around 1650, discovered the circulation system, the first Heart Transplant was done in Cape Town, South Africa by Dr. Christian Barnard in 1967, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn wrote the book, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” and continues today to be a leading proponent to eliminate all processed oils from our diet. What we know today is that a plant based diet is the primary aid to a healthy heart but because of our horribe eating habits, heart disease remains our number one Killer. That’s not natural.
Are we beating the Big C yet? Overall, cancer appears just as dangerous today as it was 100 years ago, oh, we have new cancer treatments but the Big C is on the move. In an article on Oct. 4, 2019, in the Wall Street Journal by Dr. Azra Raza, the position was that we are not beating cancer. He says that “Despite some advances, the treatments for most kinds of cancer continue to be too painful, too damaging, too expensive and too ineffective. The same three methods—surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy—have prevailed for a half-century.” This is far from natural. And yet, the connection between dietary indiscretion and disease continues to close the gap.
I find that the consumption animal products and/or processed foods is a direct link to these three disease processes. The incredibly high levels of sugar, salt and fats are definite precursor to disease. All accepted scientific research continues to reveal the undisputed link.
So where does this lead us? We are finding that animal and processed foods are toxic to us. We now know that a plant based orientation is a far more natural food source for us. And it’s our medication in the way that it solves constipation, cleans up our skin, makes the pain and swelling go away in Rheumatoid Arthritis, reverses heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses as well. It leads us back to our natural way of living; Yes, by eating plants. Yes, by all standards… we are herbivores. And by all standards our systems respond to eating plants; all other substances are toxic to us. Animal products are toxic…takes a while but so does that Yippee Ki Yay pesticide. all in all, we are a rather tough and resilient species but our desire for tasty, sweet, juicy foods is actually killing us.
Bottom line: The more our diets come from nature, the more natural our life will be. Eat healthy and enjoy life. Vegan Doc 10/7/19