“The Last Straw!”
Have we seen ‘The Last Straw”; what is the last straw? Is this serious? Yeah this is serious because it may signify the end of life on Earth. Life has been destroyed on Earth at least 5 times in the past billions of years so it is not unexpected that the Biosphere will go through another revision. The big round rock, Earth, is not going anywhere but life on Earth…that is the issue at hand. So what do I mean by ‘the last straw’; this comes from a proverb that was one of many I used in psychological evaluations and originally was stated as “the straw that broke the Camel’s back”. Straw is the stalk of wheat, or other similar grains, wheat was the substance of survival and when the last straw was gone that meant nothing was left. I am indicating that the world has been overburdened and now we have this one more thing…one more straw and the ‘poop will hit the fan’. Is the destruction of our soil our last straw; will this be ‘The Last Straw”?
The 23 minute video presented the devastation that the rains and flood waters have done to America’s farmland, especially in Mid-America. It is not just a few acres, it’s thousands and thousands of acres. And the levies that were built to standards years ago are unable to withstand the storms of today, they were broken through and have not been repaired. It was very apparent to the farmers being interviewed that they all knew the weather conditions have changed in the past 10 to 20 years, that the farmland available today needs to be ‘Regenerated’ to be able to grow their produce.
There are plenty of those who totally disagree that Earth is losing it’s ability to support life; they totally denies the findings by thousands of scientific articles and evidence by thousands of logical and scientific findings. Even our present leadership in Washington D.C. is seeking economic benefit at the expense of all life on Earth. Once the tipping point is reached the only thing the naysayers can say is, “Well, I guess I was wrong.” Logical reasoning with confirming evidence is on the opposite side of these Naysayers seeking economic gain….as a great Native American warrior from the Cree Nation once said, “When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money”.
‘Eco-Farming’ and ‘Regenerated Farming’ are terms that are being used to aid farmers and others to combat these changing weather conditions; especially when the future weather predictions reveal more damaging storms and water. These are the Land Warriors that can replenish the soil for it re-productive minerals and nutrients that we all need for survival. In fact, if the soil of Earth is harmed to the point of destruction, all life on Earth will die. We are an interesting species. Vegan Doc, 7/27/19