Cancer and Genetics
If cancer ‘runs’ in your family, does this mean that you will get cancer? Here is the good news; your genes are not the primary risk factor; in fact the Genetic Risk Factor for developing Cancer due to your genetic make-up is Number 3 with our negative Lifestyle behaviors contributing to Number 1 and Number 2. What are the risk factors? The National Cancer Institute was able to determine the risk factors and the results are surprising. Your genetic risk factor comes in at Number 3 with Diet Number 1. Diet!!! And the research has proven without a doubt that our SAD (Standard American Diet) is the primary cause/risk factor for Cancer! Our SAD is loaded with animal flesh which is toxic to our systems leading to multiple physical diseases… and yes, The Big C (Cancer) is right there. In fact our SAD is 6 times the risk factor of your genes. Tobacco comes in at Number 2 on the Cancer Risk Factor Scale and is 3 times the risk of our genes!
There is no doubt that our Lifestyle Behaviors lead us to our future; especially in regards to disease, disability and death. What do I mean when I say Lifestyle Behaviors? I’m not referring to the Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous; I’m referring to the behaviors of the Lifestyles of the Physically Healthy. So what are ‘those behaviors’? They are related to our day to day activities of eating, movement, sleeping and stress. Here we have Diet, Exercise, and Relaxation (Sleep/Peace).
With Diet having a 6 times higher impact than Genetics in developing Cancer we should pay very close attention to what we eat. And all scientific research has proven beyond all doubt that our SAD is the cause of the majority of Cancers. And we know from the same research material that eliminating Animals from our plates eliminates the risk factor for Cancer. With this information we can now plan on how to remain as healthy as possible….eliminate Animals and Animal Products from our plates! And to increase the odds of staying healthy we should also eliminate the huge excessive amounts of sugars and salts that are added to our SAD Diet.
Bottom Line: The Gun May Be Loaded But You Have the Option to Pull the Trigger. Eat Health, Stay Healthy, Vegan Doc