Dying From Dietary Diseases
Dying from Dietary Diseases. As a species, we have controlled the infectious diseases that were the primary causes of death over the past couple of 100 years or so with antibiotics however we have moved into new territory …and it’s hostile! We have developed antibiotics to ward off most of our infectious diseases, which were the leading causes of death until just a few decades ago…… but we have discovered new ways to die. Lots of new ways. In fact, Dr. Micheal Greger of www.nutritionfacts.org, has a list of the 15 top causes of death in the U. S.; I believe he does this every year and he reports that moving from a meat and dairy habit to a whole food, plant based diet will benefit and/or cure 14 of the top 15 diseases with accidents being the only one not affected by a plant based diet. That subject alone, showing that a plant based diet has positive benefit and, in a number of disorders will cure clients from diseases such as Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and others, is enough to cause anxiety to the BOD in Big Pharma, The Meat and Dairy Industries, and Hospital Corporations. This is absolutely incredible, in fact, this is the most important medical discovery of the 21 Century. This discovery could lead to the survival of our species.
I have a friend of mine who has unhealthy eating habits, has Crohn’s Disease and refuses to move to a Plant Based Diet. One of his favorite statements is, “Oh, that steak is to die for.” Really! (yes, I have informed him many times but he is stubborn). Unhealthy eating is the leading cause of death in the U. S. today and the rest of the world is rapidly trying to catch up with us (and yep, we are eating up Earth’s natural resources at the same time). We are eating our way into oblivion. For example here are some of the nutrition/obesity related diseases: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Strokes, and Cancer (colon, cervical, kidney, liver, ovarian, uterine, breast cancers and others). In the last 30 years, obesity rates have doubled in adults, tripled in children, and quadrupled in adolescents. Bottom line; our SAD (Standard American Diet, also called The Western Diet) is too high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, added sugars, and does not have enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and/or legumes. History reveals that we existed for millions of years with diminished food supplies and within a 100 years or so, food has become over-abundant with the negative alterations of processing while adding fats, salt and sugar. Medical research is abundantly clear that the human species can survive much longer and far healthier on a Whole Food, Plant Based, Oil Free Diet. The anatomical and physiological status of our species is that of a Herbivore; we are not carnivores or omnivores. If you feed your car diesel fuel when the manual states your car runs on gasoline, it will not perform. Thus when we eat meat and/or dairy, that is, if we eat animal products and/or processed foods we do not perform adequately; in fact we get sick; we die uncomfortably prolonged and early deaths. Medical science has proven, without a doubt, that consuming animal products is detrimental, disease producing, and deadly. Eat as though your life depends on it…it does. Stay Healthy My Friends, Vegan Doc