Best Drinks to Keep Hydrated
I’ll Drink to That.
It’s summertime in Florida and it’s hot!!! In fact, we are presently in a heat wave with temperatures hovering around the high 90s and high humidity. Well, so much for that perm you got recently. We do not tolerate high levels of heat and humidity; in fact, heat can be extremely dangerous. Heat Exhaustion and/or Heat Stroke are medical emergencies…please call 9 1 1. Symptoms: fever up to 104 degrees F, dizziness, thirst, nausea, fainting, clammy skin, and/or heavy sweating. The National Weather Service gives the following advice on their web page:
“Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out
of the sun. And check up on relatives and neighbors. Young
children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles
under any circumstances.
Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when
possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent
rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned environments. Anyone
overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.
Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.”
The guidelines say, “Dink plenty of fluids” but which ones? Here is a list of cool drinks that you may chose. I have listed the best down to the worst:
- Water. How about a nice cold glass of water on a hot day? Totally refreshing, no calories, no toxic substances, nothing but cool refreshing water. This is by far the best fluid to drink. Throw in a lemon or lime slice to kick it up a notch.
- Ice Tea. Not bad for a second choice but let’s not make it Sweet Tea. Added sugars are not needed.
- Coconut Water. This can be refreshing and hydrating; make sure it is unsweetened.
- Smoothies. Oh yeah, nothing like a great smoothie on a hot day!!! Here you can get re-hydrated along with having some fruits and/or veggies. Make your smoothies nutrient rich; remember we are looking for the best nutrients for our bodies so add veggies like kale or spinach; fruits like cantaloupe, watermelon, bananas, strawberries, or blueberries are great. Blueberries have so much nutrient value that I call them Brain Berries. A lot of pre-made smoothies are loaded with sugars, sodium, and additives (big long chemical names that few of us have any idea what it is or what the chemical is for).
- Milk. No so fast… lots of saturated fat, pus, and antibiotics in cow’s milk. Most of the fat free milk has added sugar. From a health standpoint, drinking milk is very unhealthy besides it’s really food for a baby calf. Definitely not healthy.
- Ice Coffee…..Coffee is dehydrating so not a good choice.
- Soft Drinks…..They are not hydrating…many contain caffeine which is a diuretic. They have no (none, nada, nothing) nutritional value. These are the Sugar Bombs of the Food Industry. A 20oz bottle of a popular soft drink has 65 grams of sugar…that’s 16 teaspoons full! A can of the same soft drink has 9 teaspoons of sugar …1/3rd of our teenagers drink 3 soft drinks a day! Do your best to stay away from soft drinks.
- Sport Drinks…. these contain high levels of sugar, sodium, and electrolytes to replenish athletes in intense training programs; hydration is diminished due to the additives. Most of us will never need to replenish our electrolytes but today’s ‘New Normal’ is anything but Normal. The first sports drink was developed by the University of Florida Medical College to replenish the Florida Gators Football team in 1965; they called it Gatorade.
- Beer……………Alcohol is among the worst choices for hydration, especially during a heat wave. It’s more of a diuretic. Water is your best choice here.
- Cocktails………Even worst than beer due to the excessive sugars and additives that may be added such as salt.
So, the best drink to stay hydrated during any heat wave or anytime is water. Drink up, enjoy and have a great day. Doc