Dietary Diseases
Dietary Diseases are illnesses that are direct disease(s) that are contracted from food. Our primary Dietary Diseases (DD) are directly and as a result of the Standard American Diet (SAD). Our SAD is designed to make our food more enjoyable so that we eat more of it. AND the Food Industry has developed this project so perfectly that 2/3rds of our adult population is Overweight. Heart disease is our number one killer, Type 2 Diabetes has become common in less than 30 years, auto-immune disorders are not in the closet anymore, and Cancer continues to be a terrible enemy. And yes, these diseases are as a result of our diet, our Standard American Diet, it’s SAD.
This Standard American Diet is overloaded with huge amounts of animal flesh and fluids (think saturated fats and cholesterol here) to which the Food Industries then loads up with salt and sugar to increase our desire. They have hijacked our taste buds and taken advantage of our instinctual drive to survive. There are many scientists perfecting that most delicious bolus of salts, fats, and sugars to slide down our throats. Food is suppose to be nutritious and healthy; we are eating junk that has no nutrition and is harmful.
It’s Disgusting! Part of the reason the food industry adds all the FrankenFood Substances to animal products is to disguise what we are eating. We are not designed to eat animal flesh, it’s disgusting to us. There are primary emotions that are expressed by all humans in every culture such as anger, sadness, happy, disgust, and surprise. Disgust is common to all humans and it is disgusting for us to, let’s say, rip out the throat of an animal and begin to consume the bloody, raw flesh….like a lion or tiger would do. It’s disgusting.
So the next time you sit down for dinner, have your ‘good side’ ask you a question, “You gonna’ eat that?” Enjoy life, Vegan Doc